Monday, January 1, 2001

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy Page Worship Guitar Class Blog:

We take your privacy very seriously and these policies laid out here explains how we use your information and how we protect your privacy.

Log Files:

We use statcounters to track visitors and traffic to this site. The site keeps information such as internet protocol (IP) addresses, browser type, internet service provider (ISP), referring, exit and visited pages, platform used, date/time stamp, country, type of browser IP addresses etc. Infomation gathered are not linked to personally identifiable information.


We do link out to other sites from our site. Please be aware we do not control the content and their privacy policies practices on other sites. We are not liable nor responsible for their pratices. Please be aware this privacy policy appiles to this site only. You may contact us if you find that there are objectionable links at our contact email below


A cookie is a piece of data stored on the user’s computer tied to information about the vistor. We do not use cookies on our site but some of our advertisers and links to other websites might use them. Google is one such company that does this. Google uses the Doubleclick DART cookie to serve ads across the Adsense network and you can get more information regarding the DART cookie at Doubleclick as well as opt out options at Google's Privacy Center.

If you would like more information regarding cookies and how they can collect your information (for instance, emails, IPs, phone number, address etc) please visit visit Google's Advertising and Privacy page.

If you want to opt out being tracked, you may do so at Network Advertising Initiative.


We display Google Adsense ads on this page, please bear in mind we are not responsible for all advertising links out of the websites. Please check out Google's own privacy policy.


If you've any questions with regards to this privacy policy please contact us at This privacy policy is last updated on 10 April 2009.

Note: If you're serving Google adsense ads on your webpage, make sure you've a privacy policy otherwise you might be banned.