Thursday, November 17, 2011

Easy Christmas Songs for the Guitar...

Thursday, November 3, 2011

How Great Thou Art - For Guitar

'How Great Thou Art' is a song that is known around the world. Did you know that it has been recorded nearly 2000 times? I couldn't even begin to guess how many languages it has been translated into. The original song was written in Sweden in the late 18's.

I've made a guitar arrangement that you can learn too. Here this the video:


I hope you enjoy learning this song. We have lots of worship guitar lessons with easy step-by-step lessons for learning both hymns and contemporary worship songs. Over the years, men and women of every culture continue to write inspired songs to our Amazing Creator!

'How Great Thou Art' is one that has been sung by millions of people. I'm sure the original writer would be astonished to learn of all the places this song has been sung and will continue to be sung for perhaps hundreds of years to come.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011